Answer: a useful and diverse source of information on sustainable horticultural crop pro- duction on ... College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii at. Manoa ... used as vegetable both fresh as well as after dehydration, while ripe dried pods hav- ... Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi.
2.No scientific consensus on GMO safety
The report declared that it is 'scientifically unjustifiable' to presume that GM foods are safe without rigorous scientific testing and that the 'default prediction' for every GM food should be that the introduction of a new gene will cause 'unanticipated changes' in the expression of other genes, the pattern of ...
3.Genetically modified food controversies are disputes over the use of foods and other goods ... The key areas of controversy related to genetically modified food (GM food or GMO ... Who decided that they should be developed and how? ... They concluded that GM crops had given farmers economic advantages but found no ...