
suppose that you are one of New Mexico representatives to the US House of Representatives explain the steps that you would take to pass a law to benefit your state

I appreciate your help

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Any member can introduce a piece of legislation. Once a bill is signed by the President or his veto is overridden by both houses it becomes a law and is assigned an official number. When the House or the Senate passes a bill it is referred to the other chamber where it usually follows the same route through committee and floor action. This chamber may approve the bill as received, reject it, ignore it, or amend it before passing it.A legislative proposal that if passed by both the House and the Senate and approved by the President becomes law.

The first thing a Representative, of any state, must keep in mind, is the needs of his/her constituents, because he/she might not be elected for a new term if the voter´s needs are not met. But to introduce a bill in Congress, any Representative, or Senator for that matter, can do so. They first need to sponsor the bill and then the bill enters a committee to be studied. If the bill is passed, then it is entered into a calendar for it to be presented to the House at large for voting. If the bill is voted positevily by a majority, then the bill will move on to the Senate, where a new voting process takes place first in a committee, then the Senate at large. If passed, then a commission of both House and Senate is formed to make any ammendments that need to be made to the bill and once this is done, the bill is once again sent for approval by both the House and the Senate at large. Once the Senate passes the bill, it goes on to the President for sanction. This is the process by which any and all laws that affect the nation at large, and states in particular. The only thing that the Representative needs to bare in mind is that since his bill proposal is for a specific state, he would be passing what is known as a private bill, instead of a public bill, and it will become a private law and not a public law. But the procedures are the same.