
Choose two sentences that reflect the author's
about Isaac Newton.
1. "Newton's was such a monumental intellect
that, for example, when he found that the
mathematics required for some of his
investigations did not exist, he invented it."
(Paragraph 1)
2. "Nearly three centuries would pass before the
world would host a comparable scientific
genius." (Paragraph 1)
3. "But before Newton there was no
understanding that an apple falling to earth
from a tree bore witness to the same physical
principle that keeps the planets revolving
around the sun." (Paragraph 2)
4. "Newton's view of gravity might be called the
great equalizer." (Paragraph 3)
5. "Newton went much further than this
qualitative description and wrote down
equations that quantitatively describe the
strength of the gravitational force between two objects." (Paragraph 4)