Respuesta :
My translation of these stanzas of the poem "Edward" in modern, familiar English, is as follows: Why is your sword dripping with blood like that, Edward? Why is your sword dripping with blood like that? And why are you going about looking so sad? Oh, I have killed my good hawk, Mother, Oh, I have killed my good hawk And I don’t have another one. Your hawk’s blood was surely not as red as that. I hope this helps
Why does your sword so drip with blood, Edward Edward,
Why does your sword so drip with blood.
Why so sad walk you O?
"I have killed my hawk so good,
And I had no more but he O."
"Your hawks blood was never so red, Edward, Edward,
Your hawk's blood was never so red,
My dear son I tell you O."
"O I have killed my red road steed, Mother, Mother,
O I have killed my red roan steed,
That once was so fair and free O."