
You have read passage excerpts from “The Lewis and Clark Journey of Discovery” and from “Sacagawea.” The authors both describe the leadership of the members of the expedition and the impact the different skills each of the participants had on the success of the expedition.

Based on what you have read, write an essay arguing whether Sacagawea was essential to the expedition’s success. Use evidence from both passages to support your argument.

Your writing will be scored based on the development of ideas, organization of writing, and language conventions of grammar, usage, and mechanics.

Respuesta :

The skill sets are the ability of find or navigate and make relevant discoveries based on their analytical and scientific bent of mind.

What are skills and activities in passage.

The basis of the reading tells us about the Lewis and Clark journey and their discoveries which impacts there position opened up new territories for the fur and lumbering trade and pointed out the lands that could be further used for agricultural activities.

Find out more information about the passage excerpts here.