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Respond to the following question in complete sentences.

What benefits and drawbacks might have arose from the Hellenization of Alexander’s empire?

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I'm not sure if you wanted an essay or not



One enduring aspect of Alexander's campaign of conquest was Hellenization. Hellenization refers to Alexander the Great's practice of bringing Greeks with him on his conquest and installing them as administrators in his growing empire. The result was that Greek culture, philosophy, art and language were quickly spread across the ancient world. Though Alexander's empire soon crumbled, the Greek administrators stayed put, and Greek soon became the universal language of the ancient world.


Though earlier empires made efforts at linguistic unification, none were equipped with a full alphabet like the Greeks had. This alphabet had very few characters, making it easier to learn, but it also included vowel sounds, allowing people unfamiliar with Greek to sound out the words. The Greeks even added little accent marks to their writing to make it even easier to read. The result was that Greek quickly became the universal language of the ancient world.


Hellenization, however, had its limitations. For example, areas of southern Syria that were affected by Greek culture entailed mostly Seleucid urban centres, where Greek was commonly spoken. The countryside, on the other hand, was largely unaffected, with most of its inhabitants speaking Syriac and clinging to their native traditions