If you could propose an amendment to the U.S. Constitution, what would it be? Make your proposal in the space below. Clearly explain why you think this amendment should be made, including the grievance it will address.

Respuesta :


An amendment, has to be said, is a change, or an addition, that wants to be placed to an already proposed piece of legislation to either improve it, or completely change it. The idea, of these amendments, is to encourage changes that are necessary depending on the situation and events being faced by the nation. As such, one big issue being faced at the moment, is the one on illegal immigrants, and what to do with them. Thus, I would then propose an ammendment thus:

If I could propose an amendment to the U.S Constitution, the proposal I would make would be in favor of illegal immigrants whose inhabitation in the country has surpassed a number of years, whose immigration into the country was due to an extreme cause and whose standing has been good and shown acts that have improved the welfare of the country.

The reason for this amendment is that the U.S has faced the grievance of illegal immigration for centuries, and it has become a real problem today. However, there are many such immigrants that have shown that they could stay in the country, and be legalized, because they portray a certain set of conditions that make them eligible. So this amendment would seek to encourage the acceptance of those immigrants who have displayed such conditions, and are acceptable to stay in the country, now as legalized residents.