1. The purpose of this exercise is to provide practice using the LINGO or Excel solvers. Find the values of X and Y that minimize the function

Min X 2 - 4X + Y 2 + 8Y + 20

Do not assume nonnegativity of the X and Y variables. Recall that by default LINGO assumes nonnegative variables. In order to allow the variables to take on negative values you can add


Alternatively, if you want LINGO to allow for negative values by default, in the LINGO menu select Options and then click General Solver, and then uncheck the Variables assumed nonnegative tab.

Respuesta :

find the minmum value of x^2-4x+y^2+8y+20=?
we don't know what it's equal to, so we set it equal to ?, if you know that ? is, then input it
what we can do is try to convert it to a conic section
complete the squares

take 1/2 of linear coefient and square it and add negative and positive insde (linear is 1st degree)

factor perfect squares

we see this is the equation of a circle
in form
center is (h,k)
radius is r
so the lowest point is r  units down from (h,k), or the point (h,k-r)

we know that te equation is
center is (2,-4)
the minimum value, where the equation is equal to ?, is (2,-4-√?)
good luck, and may the force be with you