The atmosphere of Venus is mostly carbon dioxide, and the atmosphere of the Earth has water vapor. Why are these two gases absent in the atmosphere of the satellite around Saturn called Titan

Respuesta :


if these gases existed in Titan, this n in solid form, by which its absence in the atmosphere is understood.


Each gas and chemical compound has a defined temperature for changes of state, specifically for the change from gaseous to liquid and from liquid to solid state we have

gas                gas → liquid              liquid → solid

                         (ºC)                            (ºC)

H₂0 (Water)      100                                0

CO₂                 -56.6 (P> = 5.2 bar)     <-56.6

The temperature of the Titan satellite is - 180ºC

From the above, if these gases existed in Titan, this n in solid form, by which its absence in the atmosphere is understood.