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Disadvantages of a Line Organization

A line organization can suffer from a lack of specialization. This is because each department manager is concerned only with the activities of his own department. Therefore, employees are skilled in tasks pertaining to their departments alone.

These organizations can overburden a keyman or a few key-men to the extent of their breaking point. Also, in the absence of a staff aid, if a strong man seizes the organization, he can run it arbitrarily. Such arbitrary power can lead to a considerable damage to the organization.

Such organizations usually suffer from a lack of expert advice. If the line manager has trouble making a decision, there is no expert staff that he can turn to.

A line organization is usually rigid and inflexible. In fact, such organizations maintain discipline so rigorously that they can rarely change.

These organizations are based on the autocratic system of management.

The division of work is not based on any scientific plan but on the whims of the manager.

It might stop progress and prevent the unit to work effectively.

Such organizations might also encourage nepotism or favoritism based on relationship or friendship.

I hope this is helpful information.