Respuesta :


This is one of the most important museums in Mexico City, and Dolores Olmedo also houses collections of other Mexican artists and an opulent grounds in the Xochimilco neighborhood where the hairless Mexican wander around. These three art museums best explain the life and times of the great Mexican artist, Frida Kahlo.


I would visit the Frida Kahlo museum because its a rare sight to see. Mexican arts are hard to find as most building that had them were brunt to the ground. I would visit also because they play the most best mexican music.


I would visit the Frida Kahlo museum because by the looks of it, it looks very pretty. Another reason is I would really love to go the pace to see a bit more research about Frida and her life like for example her paintings they actually mean so much to Frida of course I;d like to see them! Last but not least I would like to visit it because it looks fun!
