Why does Anderson repeat the phrase “ten circles to the left/right” throughout Chapter IX?
What expression does Isabel see on Master Lockton’s face when she describes him as “looking like a cat who had just swallowed the last bite of a juicy mouse” (page 57)?

What does the scene Isabel witnesses in the library (pages 60–61) reveal about the incident on the dock in Chapter V?
How does Isabel feel as she sneaks out of the Locktons’ house in the middle of the night (page 64)?

Respuesta :

Answer:  Anderson repeats the phrase “ten circles to the left” because Isabel was cutting something or something metal for Becky because someone royal was coming.

Lockton’s face was mostly angry / shocked because Isabel isn’t supposed to say those types of things in front of Lockton since she's a slave.

Based on what I read , Isabel felt like a criminal because she wasn’t supposed to be outside unless her owner/master gave her a pass to go outside.