Describe how your job(s) can shape your perceptions and assessments of your overall life satisfaction. Would the age at which you conduct a life review have any influence on how you rate your overall satisfaction? Why or why not?

Respuesta :


Job satisfaction may lead to cost reduction by reducing absences, task errors, conflicts at work and turnover.

As work is an important aspect of people’s lives and most people spend a large part of their working lives at work, understanding the factors involved in job satisfaction is crucial to improving employees ‘performance and productivity.

Factors affecting the level of job satisfaction are;

Working Environment.

Fair Policies and Practice.

Caring Organization.


Working Environment;

It is essential to provide employees with a work environment that is conducive to their overall development.

They need an environment which is healthy and safe and which caters to both personal comforts and facilitates doing a good job. If the working conditions are good (clean, attractive surroundings), the personnel will find it easier to carry out their jobs.

On the other hand, if the working conditions are poor (hot, noisy surroundings), personnel will find it more difficult to get things done.


Promotional opportunities seem to have a varying effect on job satisfaction. This is because promotions take some different forms and have a variety of accompanying rewards.

In recent years, the flattening of organizations and accompanying empowerment strategies, promotion in the traditional sense of climbing the hierarchical corporate ladder of success is no longer available as it once was.ealthy and safe and which caters to both personal comforts and facilitates doing a good job. If the working conditions are good (clean, attractive surroundings), the personnel will find it easier to carry out their jobs.

On the other hand, if the working conditions are poor (hot, noisy surroundings), personnel will find it more difficult to get things

Fair Policies and Practice;

Individuals who perceive that promotion decisions are made in a fair and just manner are likely to experience satisfaction from their jobs.

Very often employees are demotivated and dissatisfied with their jobs because unfair policies and practices prevail at their place of work.

It is therefore of utmost importance for an organization to have a fair and equal system regarding practices and policies so that there is no discrimination and frustration.done.

Caring Organization;

Care can be shown in various ways, but it takes into consideration career development, adult treatment, being taken seriously and being appreciated for a job well done.

When people feel that the organization; for which they are working, cares for them and takes actions to improve their work and lives, they are happy, and this creat


The human race loves to be appreciated.

Even for the smaller job that does one seek to have an appreciation, from colleagues, boss, and seniors. When one gets acknowledged in front of everyone, it gives up a boost to their morale.

When appreciation leads to encouragement, the ultimate result is reflected in the efficiency of work automatically.

Therefore, the level of job satisfaction is always higher wherever appreciation is higher satisfaction.