Respuesta :


A lot can happen, depending on the use of the variable


Lets create a position variable, a common variable in games.

Vector3 position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

The above variable initialization creates a new Vector3 object. The Vector3 class contains 3 properties, X, Y, and Z. When you assign the variable 'position' the new Vector3 object, the variable 'position' contains an instance of Vector3 where

X = 0,

Y = 0,

and Z = 0.

The variable 'position' can be used to set the position of a player, or an object.

We can reuse this variable when you want the object or player to move.

position.X = 29

position.Y = -14

position.Z = 47

now the object/player's position is (29, -14, 47).

Variables can be used for basically everything you need in programming, from storing a position, to storing the result of a complex math equation.