Select two sentences from the passage that support the idea that Gutenberg considered the printing press his greatest undertaking.


"He had poured more than 20 years of his life and his entire fortune into his printing press." (paragraph 3)


"The press was just what he wanted it to be—a remarkable invention that would serve mankind ..." (paragraph 3)


"Time after time, he had used the money to buy expensive metals and pay the workmen to set the type and work the presses." (paragraph 8)


"He could not have known that his ideas would spread quickly throughout Europe and become the standard process for printing ... " (paragraph 11)


"But history has been kind to him and has credited him with one of the greatest inventions of all time." (paragraph 13)

Respuesta :

The following sentences that support the idea that Gutenberg considered printing press his greatest undertaking are;

  • The press was just what he wanted it to be, a remarkable invention that would serve mankind .
  • He had poured more than 20 years of his life and his entire fortune into his printing press.

Gutenberg printing press?

In 1440 Gutenberg established the basics of his printing press which involve the use of a mobile, reusable set of type, and within ten years he had constructed a printing press. In 1454 Gutenberg start commercial production of book by producing thousands of indulgences for the Church.

Johannes Gutenberg's printing press were able to manufacture large numbers of books at low little cost for the first time. Books and other printed matter consequently became available to a wide general audience, greatly contributing to the spread of literacy and education in Europe.

Therefore, The following sentences that support the idea that Gutenberg considered printing press his greatest undertaking are;

  • The press was just what he wanted it to be, a remarkable invention that would serve mankind .
  • He had poured more than 20 years of his life and his entire fortune into his printing press.

Learn more about Gutenberg printing press here.