Construct a scatter plot of these data using the following coordinate grid. The vertical axis represents the calories and the horizontal axis represents the fat (grams).​

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Answer: here is a lesson that helped me Discussion Points and Possible Answers

1. The table below shows the total fat in grams and total calories for various fast food items. Does this

data suggest that there is an association between the fat grams and total calories in fast food

items? Support your answer.

Sandwich Total fat (g) Total Calories

Hamburger 9 260

Cheeseburger 13 320

Quarter Pounder 21 420

Quarter Pounder with Cheese 30 530

Big Mac 31 560

Arch Sandwich Special 31 550

Arch Special with Bacon 34 590

Crispy Chicken 25 500

Fish Fillet 28 560

Grilled Chicken 20 440

Grilled Chicken Light 5 300

Sample Answers: The food items with more fat tend to have more calories, so it seems

reasonable that there is a positive association. Larger values of total fat tend to go with larger

values of total calories.

2. A scatter plot can be used to visualize the association between fat and calories. Think about how

the variables are related, and how the variables fat and calories should be placed on the

coordinate axes. Label the axes on the graph below, and explain your choice of axes and


Answer: Since the amount of fat in fast food affects the

total calories, the variable fat is the independent

variable. This variable is best to plot along the horizontal

axis. The variable calories is the dependent variable

and is, therefore, best to plot along the vertical axis.

Teacher Tip: Discuss with the students why fat is the independent variable

and calories is the dependent variable in this situation. Ask them whether

the amount of fat depends on how many calories are in the food, or the

amount of calories depend on how much fat is in the food.

Exploring Bivariate Data TEACHER NOTES


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Move to page 1.2.

3. On page 1.2, fat grams are stored as a variable fat. Total

calories are stored as a variable cal. Construct a scatter plot for

these two variables:

a. Select the add variable text at the bottom of the page

where the horizontal axis should be placed, and select the

variable of your choice.

b. Select the add variable text on the left of the page where the vertical axis should be placed,

and select the variable of your choice.

Tech Tip: Variables fat and cal are stored in the document,

so students can select them to be plotted on the coordinate axes. Initially

the axes are not shown on the Data & Statistics page. When students

select the add variable text at the bottom of the screen, they will see the

choice of stored variables. After they select the independent variable, they

should select the add variable text on the left side of the screen to select

a dependent variable. The scatter plot with labeled coordinate axes will

Step-by-step explanation: