Why did early people in Asia migrate to the Americas? A. to hunt migrating animal herds B. to search for fresh water C. to find fertile farmland D. to escape cold temperatures

Respuesta :

A, because the mammoths were migrating to America because of the drop of the temperatures during the Ice Age.

The correct answer is A. To hunt migrating animals herds.


During the last glaciation eighty thousand years ago, the area known as the Bering Strait froze forming a land bridge known as Beringia that joined the continents of Asia and America and it is believed it was the way humans migrated from Asia to America. About this, the most popular theory states human nomadic groups that were hunter-gatherers migrated to America as they followed animals such as bison or mammoths through the Beringia as they were necessary for the subsistence of these groups. So, the correct answer is A. To hunt migrating animals herds.