When using horizontal differentiation, a firm divides itself into sub units based on function, type of business, or Geographic area
Horizontal differentiation
Is basically concerned with how the firm decides to divide itself into sub units. The decision is typically made on the basis of function, type of business, or geographical area. In many firms, just one of these criteria predominates, but more complex solutions are adopted in others. This is particularly likely in the case of international firms, where the conflicting demands to organize the company around different products (to realize location and experience curve economies) and different national markets (to remain locally responsive) must be reconciled. One solution to this dilemma is to adopt a matrix structure that divides the organization on the basis of both products and national markets.
Functional structure :
A functional structure can work well for a firm that is active in a single line of business and focuses on a single geographic area. But problems can develop once the firm expands into different businesses or geographies.
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