The purple spots on colorless background of corn kernels observed by barbara mcclintock were the result of transposition of the Ds elements out of the color gene.
- Extrachromosomal loops that do not adequately mate with their homolog can be used to identify duplications and deletions during meiosis.
What is and example of a gene?
- The definition of a gene is a unit on a chromosome that determines a specific trait in an organism, or a male's name.
- An example of a gene is a chromosome unit that determines a person's eye color.
- An example of a man named Gene is the actor Gene Wilder.
What are the 4 types of genes?
- There are four different chemical types: A, C, T, and G.
- A gene is a segment of DNA composed of an As, Cs, Ts, and Gs sequence.
- Every cell in your body contains about 20,000 of your genes due to how little they are.
Learn more about gene.