Betty the botanist wanted to test the affects of chlorine on plants. To do this, Betty added chlorine
to the water she used to water the plants. She used five identical plants, which were planted, in the
same type of pot with the same type of soil, and each were exposed to the same amount of
sunlight. Betty gave each plant the same amount of water. However, to the first plant's water she
added 10 grams of chlorine, to the second plant's water she added 8 grams of chlorine, to the third
plant's water she added 6 grams of chlorine, to the fourth plant's water she added 4 grams of
chlorine, and to the fifth plant's water she added no chlorine. After two weeks, she noted that the
first plant was dead, the second was near death, the third was wilted, the fourth had a few dead
leaves, and the fifth was fine.

Respuesta :

Chlorine  is micronutrients, too much chlorine may lead to toxicity in plants, it can result in to burned appearance in leaves.

What are micronutrients?

The nutrients which are less Essential to plants for there growth. For example Boron, chlorine, mangnese, molybdenum, iron, zinc.

Chlorine  is also on of micronutrients , it not that much essential and if there is too much chlorine it can lead to brown or dead tissue on the tips ,margins between the veins of leaves.

As she has put chlorine in plants without the particular amount needed the plant ,so the plants lead to toxicity. And the fifth plant do not contain any chlorine it is alive.  

to learn more about Micronutrients click here