Respuesta :

Planting one kind of tree is another form of a monoculture. Monoculture hampers ecosystem functioning, as it diminishes functional biodiversity. Terrestrial ecosystems are a complex network of several species, that interact with constant feedback among themselves. Trees are primary productors, which means they produce the essential nutrients (that is, organic carbon) that other animals will use to nourish and grow. Different types of primary productors begets functional diversity of herbivores (animals that harm them) and also symbiotic diversity (organisms that benefit them). Besides this, tree's diversity promotes soil stability and function, which is critical to keep the ecosystem working in the long run. Without a proper soil, trees will eventually die, which would annhilate terrestrial biodiversity. So, monocultures are not a pretty good idea in places like tropical forest, where there are a lot of different tree species. On the contrary, in ecosystems such as pine forest, where there is one dominant tree species (which is not the same, as only one tree species, it is just that one tree species is more abundant), planting one kind of tree (the dominant one) could be a good practice to restore the ecosystem.