Number of households = 700
Minimum value = $4
Maximum value = $210
Dividing this by the upper limit by by the needed number of classes: 210/ 6 = 35
The width of each class is 35.
Class width = 35
Class Limits Lower Boundary Upper Boundary Class midpoint
1 to 35 0.5 35.5 36/2 = 18
36 to 70 35.5 70.5 106/2= 53
71 to 105 70.5 105.5 176/2= 88
106 to 140 105.5 140.5 246/2= 123
141 to 175 140.5 175.5 316/2= 158
176 to 210 175.5 210.5 386/2= 193