I'm in  my lab, writing an essay about the properties of Bose Einstein Condensate. I forgot the formula of producing the condensate. Can someone help me?

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this is a big looking question for school and for 5 points.It seems to relate to superfluidity in helium III and helium IV and something called the "lambda" point. Though I can't do it justice yet and here, it looks as though i can find tis in "Heat and Thermodynamics", Mark W Zemansky ...If rho is the density of helium II, rhon the density of the normal part, and rhoz the density of the superfluid part rho=rhon+rhoz.At the lambda point, all the atoms are normal and rhon/rho = 1, whereas at absolute zero all the atoms are superfluid and rhon/rho=0.Best I can do with the info and point available ..ps, I think that both Bose and Einstein were nobel prize winners, and the word "Boson" is in honour of the, I believe, Indian physicist Bose. It is a very interesting question, and I can in no way do it justice here.