Match each figure of speech with its definition.

Match Definition

Simile A) A comparison of two unlike things that does not use
comparison words

Metaphor B) Nonliving or nonhuman things are given human
characteristics or abilities

Personification C) A figure of speech that uses exaggeration for emphasis

Hyperbole D) A comparison of two unlike things that uses "like" or "as"

Alliteration E) Repetition of an initial consonant sound to create rhythm

Respuesta :

A smile uses like or as
A metaphor does not use comparison words
Personification is giving nonhuman things human characteristics
Hyperbole uses exaggeration
Alliteration is the repetition of an initial consonant sound
Hope this helps

After reading and analyzing each figure of speech and possible definition, we can match them in the following manner:

  1. Simile - D) A comparison of two unlike things that uses "like" or "as"
  2. Metaphor - A) A comparison of two unlike things that does not use comparison words
  3. Personification - B) Nonliving or nonhuman things are given human characteristics or abilities
  4. Hyperbole - C) A figure of speech that uses exaggeration for emphasis
  5. Alliteration - E) Repetition of an initial consonant sound to create rhythm

Figures of speech

We have a figure of speech when a writer or a speaker uses words in a way that conveys more than just their literal meaning. Among the several possible figures of speech, the most common ones are:

  • Metaphor and simile: They both are comparisons between different things. The only difference between them is the fact that a simile will rely on the words "like" or "as," while the metaphor will not. Examples: Your eyes are stars (metaphor). / Your eyes are like stars (simile).
  • Personification: It happens when the author uses human traits and behaviors to describe an inanimate object. Example: The flowers were dancing in the wind.
  • Hyperbole: It is an exaggeration that emphasizes a feeling or a situation. For example: I called you a thousand times!
  • Alliteration: It consists of the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words that are close to each other in the structure of a sentence. Example: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

Learn more about figures of speech here: