Respuesta :

We need to control the inflow of people to the countries especially when the economy is tanking. The influx of illegal trespassers had eaten up millions of jobs that would otherwise go to legal citizens who have come in good faith through proper channels. You wouldn't want people making decisions for your country (voting) who aren't apart of your country. That would basically be like asking a stranger where you should eat every time you were hungry. We need rules to regulate what goes on in our country so we can keep everything in order and under control.

Answer: A country needs rules to keep Law and Order without this the countries government system will fail. Proving citizenship is important because of the currency, take Mexican immigrants for example they cross the border illegally and find work on american soil, then the majority send money back to their family in mexico because american dollars are slighty worth more than "pesos" this over time will ruin the american economical system and this is why citizenship is important to a country.
