Jared drew a scatter plot comparing the number of hours worked and the amount of money earned over the course of a week. he graphed the ordered pairs (number of hours, amount paid) for each day worked. How would I create a scatter plot to represent this?

Respuesta :

First, you have to determine which variable is the independent variable x and which variable is the dependent variable y.
For this case, it is understandable that the 'amount of money earned over the course of a week' presumably DEPENDS on the number of hours worked. Therefore, we have 'number of hours worked' as your x and this data is plotted on your x-axis (horizontal) while your  'amount of money earned over the course of a week' is your y and plotted on your y-axis (vertical). Then you plot the coordinates of each paired data.


not sure i get back to u shortly

Step-by-step explanation: