
20 points !!!
It’s possible to save a great deal of electrical energy (and money and natural resources) with some simple changes in household electrical use. The trouble is that most of these changes mean either changing behavior or spending money. Do an Internet search and review a few ways to save electrical energy. Discuss at least one change that you think would be reasonable and worthwhile to do in your own home in the next year. Provide your rationale.

Respuesta :

A lot of things take up electricity. Just leaving something plugged in can cost energy that could have been used for something more worth while. I think the biggest thing people do that wastes energy is that we leave lights on when we don't need them. I would like to improve this method by turning my lights off everytime I exit the room or by not even turning on the light if I can see without it. If it is daylight outside and you have a window in the room and you can see perfectly fine without the light, then why turn it on? No one ever thinks about that. Leaing our lights on is a common factor that raises our light bills. We always think we are gonna come back into the room in a minute but it ends up being a hour later. That's valuable money down the drain because no one is in the room using the light.