
Match the Cold War event with its year(s).

1. Vietnam War
[] 1965–1975
2. Afghanistan War
[] 1950–1953
3. Korean War
[] 1957
4. Sputnik I Launched
[] 1979–1989
5. Fall of the Berlin Wall
[] 1989
6. Cuban Missile Crisis
[] 1962

Respuesta :

1. Vietnam- 1965-1975
2. Afganistan War- 1979-1989
3. Korean War- 1950-1953
4. Sputnik I Launched- 1957
5. Fall of the Berlin Wall- 1989
6. Cuban Missile Crisis- 1962


1. Vietnam- 1965-1975

2. Afganistan War- 1979-1989

3. Korean War- 1950-1953

4. Sputnik I Launched- 1957

5. Fall of the Berlin Wall- 1989

6. Cuban Missile Crisis- 1962


1. The Vietnam war was an armed conflict between North Vietnam, which was communist and supported by the Soviet Union, and South Vietnam, which was capitalist and supported by the US. It took place between 1965-1975  and ended with the victory of North Vietnam.

2. The Afghanistan war was an armed conflict between Afghanistan and the Soviet Union, which was a phase of the larger conflict of the Afghan civil war that continues today. In 1979, the USSR invaded Afghanistan in an attempt of annexation but it was repelled by the Taliban forces with the support of the American army.

3. The Korean war was a conflict between North Korea, supported by the USSR and China, and South Korea supported by the United States. This war ended in 1953 with a treaty of non-aggression which in force still today.

4. On October 4th 1957, the Soviet Union launched the Sputnik, the first satellite ever deployed in space.

5. The Berlin Wall, which divided Western Berlin from Eastern Berlin during most of the Cold War, fell in November 1989, marking the end of this conflict.

6. In 1962 the United States discovered that the Soviet Union had placed mid-range nuclear missiles in Cuba, which loosed a high level of alert among the American government and pushed both superpowers to the closest point of a nuclear war.