What is Odysseus doing when his men make their biggest mistakes?
A. helplessly watching
B. weeping
C. sleeping
D. praying to Zeus
E. speaking with Circe

Respuesta :


C. sleeping  


Odysseus had lost the direction of Ithaca, but still he departed. He received advice that indicated that he should go to Hades and consult the shadow of the soothsayer Tiresias. When he got there, he encountered several other shadows of dead heroes and heroines, who warned him of a troubled return, emphasizing that they should not eat any of the herds of Helio.

On the way to Ithaca, Odysseus and his men faced the harassment of the mermaids, escaping because they managed to cover their ears; passed by the gigantic whirlwind "Caríbdis"; by a multi-headed monster named "Cila" when they finally reached Trinna, where the god Helio guarded their flocks.

When Odysseus fell asleep, his men who were hungry disobeyed and killed a few cows to eat, which was the biggest mistake these men made. Helio was furious and complained to Zeus, who by punishment, destroyed the whole ship at sea and the men of the crew, sparing only Odysseus, for he was the only one who had not touched the animals.