Can you please help me solve this?

Solve the system of equations and choose the correct answer from the list of options.

d + e = 1
−d + e = −5

Label the ordered pair as (d, e).
(0, 0)
(3, −2)
 (−2, 3)
 (−3, 0)

Respuesta :

I'm not sure if you're looking for anything more than this, but if you plug in all those values (trail and error) the only one that is successful is (3,-2)

3 + -2 = 1
-3 + -2 = -5

All of those other values are false and do not add up to the correct value.

Ex: (-2,3)
-2+3 = 1 (True)
- -2+3 = 2+3 = 5 (False, not negative. The - -2 becomes positive.)
d + e = 1
-d +e = -5

If you cross out d and -d, you will have...

e = 1
e = -5

...left. From there, you would add the e's together to give you
e^2 = -4

you would now just divide both sides by 2 and your answer should be e = -2

You then proceed to your answer choices and which ever one has the e-intercept as -2, is your final answer.

I hope this helped! :D