(1.) I do not know how to answer that since I'm not in that unit. I suggest you look over the stories and re-read them. Try to find out the key point of each of them. That should help narrow down, or even know exactly what your choice is.
(2.) This question could have many answers. Actually, all these answers are right, but it comes down to which is the best. I truly suggest you go and read the stories over, but I'll try to help anyways. I think the answer would either be C. Think about the word it says, paints a picture. C is saying he uses lots of details. Since to "paint a picture" you need details I would choose C.
(3.) B. is just a silly answer. You can rule that out right away. D is not a answer either. The reason for that is because it is not the main point. They put that answer in there to throw you off. C. could be a very possible answer. But I think A. is the answer. Why? Because of all his panicking and freaking out is because he didn't believe in himself.
I hope that helps you!