Read the paragraph carefully.

His mom finally peered through the cracked door that Johnny normally kept locked. The bedding was draped over a painting easel and placed near the window at the back of the room, which seemed to function as a shade in place of the curtains that lay next to their rod on the floor near the window. To the left was the bed: a bare mattress with stains and what appeared to be chewed holes resting askew on a box springs sitting on the floor. A single flat, gray pillow with no case was its only adornment. On the other side of the room, the sliding closet doors rested unhinged on the wall next to the closet. The closet itself featured a broken shelf and huge pile of clothing and various sporting items including a fishing pole, several balls of various types, what appeared to be a broken snowboard, a tennis racket, some bent golf clubs and other unidentifiable objects concealed to different degrees by the slew of disorder. The unkempt carpet resembled concrete, with unvacuumed dirt packed hard over the fibers. And the smell! Indeed, the bedroom resembled the aftermath of some horrific natural disaster. Her agreement to give him the privacy of his own room had been rescinded.

What is this paragraph's organization?

simple listingchronological orderorder of importancespatial order

Respuesta :

The correct answer is D. Spatial order


Spatial order refers to a type of organization in texts in which details are organized according to space, which is commonly used to describe the distribution of objects and elements in a specific setting or space. This type of organization can be identified due to the use of descriptions related to space and words such as north, left, right, bottom that show the way elements are arranged in space.

This is the case of the paragraph presented because in this the narration is describing the elements according to space the mother of Johnny found when she opened the door. Because of this, the narrator uses words such as "placed near the window", "back of the room", "lay next to their root", "to the left" or "on the other side" to organize the details in the text and describe the way objects are organized in space. Also, in this text details are not organized according to time, importance or listed. Thus, based on the type of details included and their organization it can be concluded, the organization of this paragraph is spatial order.