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We usually get no details on what was unsubstantiated nor do we even get a good look at what was said to be demagoguery some 66 years ago. Is it surprising in today's media?
Communist espionage deniers should know better. The biggest problem is that people simply don’t read or care to read the latest revelations. The debatable behavior of McCarthy does not negate the damage done to our country by thousands of Soviet agents of influence at work since the Tsarist overthrow. Keeping alive the McCarthy bogeyman conveniently diverts attention from that.
When the Left in Foggy Bottom during Roosevelt -Truman was purging anti-Soviet diplomats and security specialists, dissolving our military intelligence libraries, sanitizing personnel records, lying to the House Committee on Un-American Activities, supporting the Communist takeovers, was there any concern from the Left about careers ruined and the millions overseas killed or enslaved?
McCarthy never said in his Wheeling WV speech there were 207 Communists in the State Department. This has been debunked many times. No person present at the actual speech ever confirmed it and McCarthy put the number at 57.
Over and over, we get this battle cry: Army attorney Joseph Welch's question to McCarthy, "have you no sense of decency?" Perhaps it wasn't a good move by McCarthy to have brought up at Army-McCarthy hearings the subject of Welch's associate Fred Fisher having been a past member of the communist-front National Lawyers Guild. Yet it was Welch himself earlier in the April 15, 1954 New York Times who first outed Fisher. That fact wouldn't interest today's Trump-McCarthy attackers.
According to the late M. Stanton Evans in his "Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and his Fight Against America's Enemies," McCarthy was correct in his accusations of Communist subversion all the way up to the White House.
This was documented by way of the Army's ultra-secret project Venona decrypts of Russian cable traffic, J. Edgar Hoover and other federal investigators, everyday whistleblowers, a brief opening of the KGB archives, Russian defectors. People came to McCarthy and his committee, not the other way around. Government secrecy had kept a lid on the true story, warping our national history.
McCarthy, a former judge with a near-photographic memory, a keen poker player, was liked by commoners as well as the Kennedys. He smeared no one. When liberal Democrats attacked him, he fought back. He was feared all right in Washington, D.C.; many a Democrat scalp dangled from his campaign belt.
It was no exaggeration that we gave Eastern Europe to Stalin and China to Mao. The devil is in the details.
President Eisenhower especially hated McCarthy for blasting his friend George Marshall for Marshall's subversive role in the Pearl Harbor sneak attack, Yalta, Operation Keelhaul, and of course the Marshall Mission to China which sandbagged nationalist Chiang Kai Shek while building up Chou En Lai and Mao Tse Tung -- leading to the horrors of Korea resulting in 37,000 American dead.
And like Truman before him, Eisenhower during the time of the Army investigations would invoke executive privilege to stymie McCarthy's inquiry.
Finally Eisenhower did in McCarthy, sending Vice President Richard Nixon to the Senate rounding up censor votes for the kangaroo court. Renowned defense attorney Edward Bennett Williams knocked down every charge except "conduct unbecoming a senator" – in other words, abusing Democrats. Williams pointed out that some senators had done far worse in general, and in particular to McCarthy. To no avail.