multiple choice question, is the answer C?

Identify the best way to fill in the blanks to achieve a tone and level of standard English appropriate for academic writing.
Trying to email photographs can be​ _____ if the files are too​ large, but posting them online removes some of the​ _____.
a hassle​/aggro
totally aggravating​/hassle
a real pain​/hassle

Respuesta :

I wouldnt say the answer is C for academic writing because I'm not sure "a real pain" would be used in formal writing -it's more clang/colloquial.
I say D 
-hope that helps

Taking into account the specifications, I'd say that the best option to fill in the blanks to achieve a tone and level of standard English appropriate for academic writing is D.

Even though sentence B contains an adverb making the sentence a bit more formal, "aggravating" and "hassle" are informal words. The same happens with A and B. Therefore, I think that "difficult" and "nuisance" are the best choice. This is the case because "difficult" is a neutral word and "nuisance" is the most formal of them all.