
Which of the following occurs when a cool air mass meets and replaces a warm air mass

Stationary front

Moveable front

Warm front

Cold front

Respuesta :

Hey Everyone!! I just have to say i just took the test. So on my first attempt, these were the answers:

1- Which of the following occurs when a cool air mass meets and replaces a warm air mass?
Answer: Cold Front

2-When flying in an airplane, you are most likely in which layer of the atmosphere?
Answer: Stratosphere

3- A _________ is a quick-moving ribbon of air that moves from west to east high in the atmosphere. this air current constantly bends and dips down to move weather systems around.
Answer: Jet Stream

4- Within the atmosphere, as altitude increases,Answer: Air pressure decreases

When warm air moves over cold air, a warm front forms. The warm air tends to rise along a gentle slope above the cold air and forms layers of clouds.

Given this information, which of the following cloud types and weather conditions would most likely result from an incoming warm front?

Answer: ((I acctually messed up on this one, but i can tell you, IT IS NOT cumulonimbus clouds and thunderstorms.))