Write a do-while loop that asks the user to enter two numbers. the numbers should be added and the sum displayed. the user should be asked if he or she wishes to perform the operation again. if so the loop should repeat; otherwise it should terminate.

Respuesta :

//declare variables 
Declare String do Again 
//Add the user numbers as many times as needed Do
        Call myFunction (num1, num2, sumNumbers)
        Display “Would you like to add more numbers?”
        Display “(Enter y for yes):”
        Input do Again
     While do Again == ”y”
End Module 
//This module will ask the user for two numbers
then add them together and display the results 
Module my Function()
    //Declare Variables
    Declare Integer num1 = 0
    Declare Integer num2 = 0
    Declare Integer sumOfBoth = 0
  //Ask for user input
     Display “Please enter your 1  st  number: “
  Input num1
   Display “Please enter your 2 nd number: “
   Input num2
   Set sum Of Both = num1 + num2
   Display num1 “ + “ num2 “ = “sum Of Both
 End Module