//declare variables
Declare String do Again
//Add the user numbers as many times as needed Do
Call myFunction (num1, num2, sumNumbers)
Display “Would you like to add more numbers?”
Display “(Enter y for yes):”
Input do Again
While do Again == ”y”
End Module
//This module will ask the user for two numbers
then add them together and display the results
Module my Function()
//Declare Variables
Declare Integer num1 = 0
Declare Integer num2 = 0
Declare Integer sumOfBoth = 0
//Ask for user input
Display “Please enter your 1 st number: “
Input num1
Display “Please enter your 2 nd number: “
Input num2
Set sum Of Both = num1 + num2
Display num1 “ + “ num2 “ = “sum Of Both
End Module