From selling strictly components to solving its​ customers' problems with more tailored offerings. this is an example of​ _________.
a. ​non-modified rebuy
b. straight rebuy
c. new task
d. modified rebuy
e. solutions selling

Respuesta :

The situation in which the sales is shifted from selling strictly components to solving its​ customers' problems with more tailored offerings is an example of​ modified rebuy. 
 The economic term modified rebuy describes the buying situation in which the buyer wants to reorder a product or service but seeks changes to terms, prices, suppliers or product specifications, but the product or service is the same. The buyer just reorders the product under different terms.
Answer: Option D. Modified rebuy
   Modified rebuy is the technique or style where in along with selling components to the customers', solving problems of the customers along with providing more tailored & customized services and more offerings is also included.