
Match the plate boundary with its correct description. 1. transform Where continental and/or oceanic plates pull apart. Usually creates rifts and rift valleys. 2. divergent Where continental and/or oceanic plates collide. Usually creates mountain ranges. 3. convergent 1 Where plates slide along each other in opposite directions. Usually creates earthquakes.

Respuesta :

" where continental and/or oceanic plates pull apart" that is a divergent boundary
" where continental and/or oceanic plates collide" is a Convergent boundary
"Where plates slide along each other in opposite directions" is a Transform boundary.


1. Transform --- Where plates slide along each other in opposite directions. Usually creates earthquakes.

2. Divergent --- Where continental and/or oceanic plates pull apart. Usually creates rifts and rift valleys.

3. Convergent --- Where continental and/or oceanic plates collide. Usually creates mountain ranges.


1- Transformative edge is the edge of lateral displacement of one tectonic plate with respect to the other. Its presence is remarkable thanks to the discontinuities of the land.

2- In plate tectonics a divergent edge is the boundary between two adjoining lithospheric plates that separate. As the plates diverge, new material ascends by magmatic processes from the terrestrial mantle.

3- A convergent or destructive edge is the impact edge between two tectonic plates. When in the convergent edge, one of the plates of the lithosphere sinks under the other consumed in the mantle we speak of subduction. This type of edges leads to the formation of mountain ranges and is associated with areas of volcanic and seismic activity caused by the friction of the two plates.