A major reason for President Thomas Jefferson’s
purchase of the Louisiana Territory was to
(1) eliminate Spanish control of California
(2) take possession of all of Florida
(3) give the United States control of the
Mississippi River
(4) provide access to areas east of the Appalachian

Respuesta :

3 is the correct answer, the Mississippi River was very important for trade and transportation.

The correct answer is number 3) give the US control of the Mississippi River.

A major reason for President Jefferson's purchase of the Louisiana territory was to give the US control of the Mississippi River.

President Jefferson wanted Americans could use the Mississippi River and get access to the port of New Orleans for the many advantages this represented.

US Minister for France, Robert Livingstone initiated negotiations but President Jefferson sent James Monroe to Paris to support him in the negotiations. The deal was signed on May 2, 1803. The US paid $11,250,000 for the territory.