Let's first translate everything.
1. Divertir - "to have fun"
2. Aburrir - "to be bored"
3. Asustar - "to scare"
4. Dar asco - "to put off"
5. Bastar - "to be enough"
a. Cansarse de algo, sufrir un estado de ánimo producido por falta de estímulos. - "To get tired of something, to suffer a state of mind produced by lack of stimuli."
b. Dar o causar susto. - "To give or to cause fright."
c. Ser suficiente - "To be enough."
d. Producir una impresión desagradable - "Produce an unpleasant impression."
e. Entretener, pasarlo bien - "To entertain, to have a good time."
Given the above translations, the pairings would be as follows.
1. e
2. a
3. b
4. d
5. c