Make a Cause and Effect chart showing how the Spanish American War launched the United States into an imperialistic world power. You may use the Cause and Effect Chart included here and shown below, or make your own. You will earn four points for each cause and effect you list.

Respuesta :

Need for naval bases = acquisition of Philippines and Guam
Monroe Doctrine = aid to Cuban Revolution
"city upon a hill" = guiding countries to independence and democracy
"yellow journalism" = defend against the "attack" on the USS Maine

The Spanish American War gave the US an opportunity to get rid of the last major European influence in the Western Hemisphere and aid in creating democracy in newly freed nations. It also was an opportunity to grow their navy and gain access to resources. 





Related Effect

The United States thought that nations should rebuild after World War II using capitalist ideas.

The United States and Soviet Union each tried to persuade other nations to think like they did.

The United States followed a policy of containment. It tried to stop the growth of communism.

The United States sent aid to weak nations to help them stop communist takeover.

The United States and Soviet Union competed to build space programs.

The Soviet Union launched Sputnik into orbit around the Earth. Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was the first man to travel into space. American astronaut Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon.

The United States and Soviet Union competed to collect more weapons of war.

Each side built up stockpiles of weapons. They also developed more destructive weapons, including the hydrogen bomb.

The United States and Soviet Union each used the media to push their own views.

Americans became afraid that they would suffer a nuclear attack. Students at school practiced air raid drills. Families also built bomb shelters.