Topic: How to achieve your dreams

Decide three main points to present related to your topic

Develop the introduction

Develop the conclusion

It needs to be 1-2 minutes long

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¨Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world¨

Harriet Tubman

Every person has got imagination and a dream. Someone wants to get a good job, a dog, a house, 1 million dollars, diamonds and someone wants to change the world.  Every person is unique an each dream differs from the other one.  It’s hard and almost impossible to imagine our life without a dream.  

A dream is some kind of a strong desire which helps us to imagine some events or things we want to get in order to make it come true.  There are a lot of “dreamers” who helped our world to become better, lightened the laws of nature and made experiments. I’m talking about such people like: Leonardo da Vinci, Archimedes, Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Alexander Bell, Maria Meyer,  Rosalind Franklin, Rita Levi-Montalcini, Steve Jobs,  Bill Gates. All these people were dreamers and geniuses.  

Some considered them insane or possessed by the devil and even family didn`t believe in them. They were brilliant and ahead of the time in which they lived and therefore people simply could not accept and believe in the truth that they wanted to discover and prove to them.

There are some steps that will help you achieve your dream.  

Step 1 Dream and materialize.  

First of all we should know what we would like to achieve. A person must clear his mind and give free rein to ideas. People can dream of something real like establish a company or change the world like Leonardo da Vinci. I prefer real and big idea to almost impossible. According to some scientifically research , the word can materialize and it contains the information , which you relief in space and universe gives us an answer and makes our dream come true. Some people believe that we should visualize our dreams in details or draw a Wish Map, but it`s up to you to decide.  

Step 2 Motivation

Motivation plays a great role in our life. People can achieve all the goals if their motivation is high. For example: if you don’t have any money and starve, you will be able to learn anything in order to get a good job.  

Step 3 Faith  

You should believe in yourself, even when nobody understands you. Of course it`s better when someone supports you and believe in you, but it`s not like this all the time. But your dream should be beyond your capabilities of course. If you want to fly like a bird, it will never happen.  

Step 4 Make a research and plan

All the dreams and ideas should be supplied with the research. If you want to start your own business, you must know a lot of information and every single detail to make it work out. And of course we should have a plan to follow.  

Step 5 Find partners

It`s hard to do everything on your own. We should know at least one person who will have a fresh point of view and will be able to give a piece of advice or share his opinion with you.

Step 6 Work hard

Anyway, even if you are a real genius, you still must work hard. The success  

consists of 10% of talent, the remaining 90% is hard work.

Step 7 be happy and thankful  

Sometimes people lose their sense in life when their dream comes true. We should stop and enjoy our life and dream. You should be proud of yourself when you dream comes true and do not forget about people who helped us during our long route.

          Everyone has the right to dream and the power to bring it to life. But such things as self-confidence, motivation, hard work, and patience are the main components that will help you to succeed and achieve your goals. Everyone is capable of much, because people have not fully studied the potential of the human body. If the brilliant scientists that were mentioned at the beginning, did not believe in themselves, did not work hard, then the world would not have the knowledge that they proved and the inventions that they invented would not improve our life with you.  

It all depends on the person whether he is willing to waste his time and work hard to achieve the goal, whether he has enough patience, motivation and faith in himself to achieve his dream.