
Read the 13th Amendment below.

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."

Which of the statements below elucidates the 13th Amendment?

If a slave owner claims a slave committed a crime, he can keep him as a slave.
A women must be emancipated if she has been tried and convicted of a crime.
The amendment guarantees that no man woman or child can legally be enslaved in the United States.
Involuntary servitude means forced to work for another person without pay or freedom to leave that work.

Respuesta :

The  13th Amendment guarantees that no man woman or child can legally be enslaved in the United States.

It proves that no one can be a slave, or no one can serve without consent within the jurisdiction of the United States. Unless that person has committed a crime and serves as his punishment. 

(A.) If a slave owner claims a slave committed a crime, he can keep him as a slave. on odyssey :)